Yuga Labs將推出IP驗證工具「Made by Apes」!用以識別持有者開發商品
Yuga Labs IP 驗證工具「Made by Apes」預計於本月推出,用以解決持有者所打造的商品無法進行驗證的問題。
As much as folks in the club have been building with their IP, there hasn't been an easy, on-chain way to verify these items or an official directory for everything apes and mutants are making. Team has worked up a solution with the folks over at @SaaSyLabs that we're excited to… https://t.co/p573extFY4
— Garga.eth (Greg Solano) 🍌 (@CryptoGarga) July 10, 2023
Yuga Labs IP 驗證工具「Made by Apes」本月推出
Yuga Labs 聯合創辦人 Greg Solano 今日於 Twitter 表示:「俱樂部有許多夥伴正用他們的 IP 進行建設,但還沒有一種簡單的、鏈上的方法來驗證這些物品,也沒有一個官方目錄刊載所有無聊猿及突變猿正製作的東西。」
為了解決此問題,Yuga Labs 當前正與鏈上整合協議 SaaSy Labs 合作,預計會於本月推出解決方案「Made by Apes」。
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根據預告片內容,在 IP 驗證工具 Made by Apes 推出後,周邊產品都會有專屬編號,可用來識別產品身份。