推特用戶 @ZuwuTV 近日發現 OpenSea 產品負責人 Nate Chastain,在近兩個月疑似利用自己業務上的優勢,進行了多次提前交易取得大量獲利。(晚間近九點,OpenSea 已證實此消息。)
根據 @ZuwuTV 說法,Nate Chastain 有一些秘密錢包,會將刊登在首頁的 NFT 在 OpenSea 上架前以較低的價格買入,等之後這些 NFT 上架且價格飆升時,再高價脫手。這些獲利後來都被轉到有著 Nate Chastain 推特 CryptoPunk 頭像所屬的錢包中。
Hey @opensea why does it appear @natechastain has a few secret wallets that appears to buy your front page drops before they are listed, then sells them shortly after the front-page-hype spike for profits, and then tumbles them back to his main wallet with his punk on it?
— Zuwu (@0xZuwu) September 14, 2021
在 @ZuwuTV 向大眾告知這可能的陰謀後,發現有其他 twitter 用戶也正在調查這件事情。一位匿名的推特用戶透過鏈上數據,整理了從今年 8 月至今 Nate Chastain 可能的內線交易行為並整理成表格。若此事為真,Nate Chastain 在這兩個月因內線交易獲得的資產至少超過 12 ETH (約 40,000 美金)。
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ZuwuTV 也將相關的內線交易證據透過 twitter 分享給大眾,有興趣的讀者可以透過連結查看。
Found a place to upload the files that has a 30day or 250 download limit! These 2 files were sent to me anonymously with sketchy wallet activity from people looking into it before me.https://t.co/fQQqt7sjdb
— Zuwu (@0xZuwu) September 15, 2021
目前 Nate Chastain 尚未對該質疑出面回應,而 OpenSea 已發出官方公告證實有員工上架前交易,並制定利益迴避政策。